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My New Name

Flickering Flame

7 November 2021 / 4 Kislev 5782

As I write this, I really don’t know what I want to title this post. I just know that I wanted to say something about this very important day! It was forty-two years ago today that I (as a young Marine), gave my life to Jesus Christ, my LORD and Saviour.

My duty station was Kaneohe Bay Marine Corps Air Station in Hawaii, and I was in Yuma, Arizona on a special assignment. As I was walking out of my barracks one day, a fellow Marine came up to me and handed me a Bible and said, “Here, I think you need to read this.”

He walked away and I never saw him again, but I know I will see him in Heaven one great and glorious day! I took his advice and I started reading that beautiful book where I met the LORD! I have been following Jesus ever since, and my love and devotion to Almighty God and His dear Son has only grown and become more real every day!

As my testimony reveals, I had a lot to learn about God and how to love and please Him, but that was my earnest desire the moment I gave my heart to Him. God has been with me all the way, and I AM certain He will be with me all the way to the end!

My Father gave me a new name (C. Read), a new life to live for Him, and a testimony to share with whomsoever will receive it. I thank God for His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who gave His life for me! All praise, honor, glory, power and might be unto the One who sits upon the Throne, and unto the Lamb, forever and ever! Amen!

A servant of the Most High God, and the LORD Jesus Christ!


“Therefore if any man be in Christ, (And I AM) he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

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One Comment

  1. Pastor Arnie Pastor Arnie

    My Dearest Friend and Beloved Sister in the Family of God;

    To God be the glory for HIS wonderful grace in Jesus!!! It is also exactly 40 years that I have been given a New Life in Christ when I knew Him and Believed on HIM that Thanksgiving Program in our School’s Chapel hour and the Speaker mentioned about eternal life as a gift from God, and upon discussing it with a very close Friend after the service! You are a little older than me in our Spiritual Birthday 🙂 and I praise and thank the Lord because your Testimony and our Friendship have been so much of a stronghold for me in times that my spirit becomes tried and tested by either circumstances and by the blows from the enemy! I want to Thank you for your Dedicated life for the TRUE LIGHT, and for standing for the TRUTH even if it seemed unpopular to other believers and servants of the Lord!

    May the Lord continue to keep you STRONG IN THE LORD AND IN THE POWER OF HIS MIGHT! Excitedly looking forward to meet you face to face in the very presence of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ at His appointed time! Take care and be assured of our PRAYERS for you and all yours!

    Eternally grateful fellow servant of the Most High God;
    pastor arnie

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