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Author: True Light

C. Read, a US Marine, was stationed in Hawaii during the “Iranian Crisis” of 1979. While she was on a temporary assignment to Yuma, Arizona, the Iranian students seized the American Embassy in Tehran, and took several American hostages.

A special friend of hers was on a six-month deployment to Japan and was prepared to go to Iran if so ordered. That was such an uncertain time in her life, and it was that distressing event that caused Read to see her great need for God.

About that same time, a young Marine, whom she had never met, approached her as she was leaving her barracks in Yuma. He handed her a Bible, and said, “Here, I think you need to read this.” He just walked away, and Read never saw him again, but she will never forget him! That brief encounter was a major turning point in her life, and in November 1979, Read committed her life to Jesus Christ in the deserts of Yuma.

She did take his advice, and began reading and studying the Bible, but that was just the beginning of her journey. Much has happened between now and then, and by God’s grace she will continue unto the End!

You can go to to read more about Read’s Testimony and other writings on issues affecting God’s people Today!

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