
Posted 7 April 2019 / 2 Nisan 5779
Updated: 17 May 2020 / 23 Iyyar 5780 / 38th Day of the Omer
On the 29th of March 2019, I received a postcard in the mail from a local church addressed to “our neighbors,” inviting me to “Rediscover Church,” at their “All Seasons Worship Center.” There was no mention of God or Jesus, but the advertisement said, “you will find friendly people striving for a better life, live upbeat music, and a focus on living with a purpose.”
For several years now, I have been greatly concerned about the innocent souls who are being led to attend this Charismatic church that has been steadily attracting people. These types of churches are usually nondenominational, but they are Pentecostal in practice. The services are characterized by “praise and worship music,” preformed on an entertainment stage by a “worship team.” Sometime during the service the minister/ministers will try to find an opportune time to “lay hands” on people and pray for them to be “filled with the spirit.”
If you find yourself in a service where the ministers are causing people to fall to the ground, or they are running around babbling incoherently, you need to get out ASAP! This practice of “laying on of hands” is NOT of God, no matter what people say about it. These false teachers claim that the reason people fall back (a.k.a. “slain in the spirit” or “falling under the anointing”), is due to the presence and power of the Spirit. But I must warn you, it is demonic spirits that are touching people through the men or women controlled by these evil spirits. And those who do this wickedness are under the influence of the Devil, whether they are aware of it or not!
1 Timothy 5:22 “Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men’s sins: keep thyself pure.”
Regardless of how nice the people are, how great the music is, how comfortable the chairs are, and how much they talk about God, Jesus, or Israel doesn’t mean they are truly of God. No matter how loved and accepted you may feel—it’s not the feeling that’s most important, but what “spirit” is controlling that person—Christ or Antichrist?
1 Timothy 4:1 “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;”
Mark 13:22 “For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.”
2 Timothy 3:13 “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”
C. S. Lewis is one such man! He is a false teacher that has been widely accepted as true. In his book, Mere Christianity, he has led many innocent people to believe that they will become a “little Christ” when they give their life to Jesus Christ. Here’s a direct quote from his book:
“Every Christian is to become a little Christ. The whole purpose of becoming a Christian is simply nothing else.” (Page 96)
In my view, his claim is a complete fabrication of what it means to be a genuine Christian. We are to FOLLOW Christ, NOT become a “Christ.” Please seriously consider the words of Jesus:
Luke 9:23 “And He said to them all, If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.”
Consider more from C. S. Lewis’s “Mere Christianity” in light of the Scriptures.
“There are three things that spread the Christ life to us: baptism, belief, and that mysterious action which different Christians call by different names — Holy Communion, the Mass, the Lord’s Supper.” (Page 36)
“In the same way the Church exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs. If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible itself, are simply a waste of time. God became Man for no other purpose.” (Page 106-107)
Apparently, Lewis favors the Roman Catholic Church, and as you compare his views with their official teachings, that fact becomes even more pronounced. Notably, C. S. Lewis mentions several other denominations in his book, but the Baptist denomination is strangely absent in “Mere Christianity.”
From the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church:
“For the Son of God became man so that we might become God.“80 The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods.“81
I was raised as a Catholic, but I was never taught this. After I left the Roman Church and joined the Baptist Church, I really started studying, and came to understand the great error in their teachings. Here’s more of Lewis’ words advocating a false gospel and a false-Christ.
“It is not for us to say who, in the deepest sense, is or is not close to the spirit of Christ. We do not see into men’s hearts. We cannot judge, and are indeed forbidden to judge. It would be wicked arrogance for us to say that any man is, or is not, a Christian in this refined sense.” (Page 5–“Mere Christianity”)
Such outrageous statements from a professing Christian! Please consider the Word of God, which will absolutely refute C. S. Lewis’ claim that “It would be wicked arrogance for us to say that any man is, or is not, a Christian…”
1 Corinthians 6:2 “Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?”
1 John 4:1 “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”
Luke 21:8 “And He said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in My name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.”
2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
Philippians 4:3 “And I intreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which laboured with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and with other my fellowlabourers, whose names are in the book of life.”
I choose to believe God over man any day! And I hope you are able to see the fallacy of the teachings of C. S. Lewis, especially when compared with the Holy Scriptures. If you do some research, you will find Lewis was on the fence about aberrant lifestyles and other important issues.
2 Corinthians 6:14-18 “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.”
Please beware! Satan is real, and he wants to steal from you, kill you if possible, and then destroy your life in Hell! But Jesus has come that men might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly! If God reveals that you have been believing lies in place of the truth, I hope that you will repent before God, and follow Christ—the true Jesus Christ!
According to the Word of God, it is His desire that all men might be saved, but the very sad fact is, they won’t. And it is because men love their sin more than they love God. I have so much that I want to warn my fellow Christians about, and I just pray that this message will get through to those who have been deceived by the Wicked One!
This next excerpt exposes the leader of All Seasons Worship Center, who, through his mailing campaign, has been casting a wide net to see who he may catch. I pray that my efforts will deter innocent unsuspecting souls from falling into Lott’s/the Devil’s trap, or maybe help get them out!
End notes from “Walking With the Enemy: A Testimony,” by C. Read.
The definitive truth: To help the reader of this book to better understand the great danger of being involved with people who actually belong to the devil, and are serving him, I would like to share an excerpt from a message that I heard on the Internet.
The preacher made the following statement to his congregation on Father’s Day, Sunday, 15 June 2014. The context of his sermon was his “private interpretation” of 1 Corinthians 13, and his view of prophecy, tongues, and why people need the “baptism in the Holy Spirit.”
He said, and I quote: “We all are looking through a glass darkly. All of us…You can still see, but when someone starts drawing lines and saying it is the definitive truth, then be careful. Because there are very few definitive truths in the Bible. There’s a lot of mystical stuff…God says, I’ll use whatever I need to use, and do whatever I need to do. He’s going to use the things that are just the oddest, the craziest, He’s going to use people you think shouldn’t be used…”
I find it interesting that this pastor would do a sermon on the need to experience the “baptism in the Holy Spirit” on Father’s Day. I am sure he was quite aware of the Brownsville Revival (aka Pensacola Outpouring), which took place on Father’s Day, 18 June 1995, at Brownsville Assembly of God Church in Pensacola, Florida.
Reportedly, more than four million people attended services at Brownsville from its inception in 1995 to when it ended about five years later. The services included “praise and worship music” and some preaching. The highlights were the altar calls, where people were encouraged to come to the front to get “right with God.”
The minister would “lay hands” on them, while another person stood behind the person being “preyed” upon to catch them when they fell backward. (Pun intended.) Untold thousands hit the ground during the course of that revival, where they either thrashed about or were prostrate on the floor as if in a coma, for hours at a time.
The “revivals” in Pensacola, Toronto, Azusa Street in L.A., and other so-called “moves of God” are all directly linked to the same Antichrist spirit that was present in Bill’s ministry, and is also present in other charismatic / Pentecostal churches.
The “Toronto Blessing,” aka the “laughing revival,” began on 20 January 1994, and was characterized by extremely bizarre manifestations such as uncontrolled laughter, jerking all over, falling down and passing out, shaking violently, roaring like a lion, barking like a dog, and other very odd and crazy behavior, all of which was reminiscent and hauntingly similar to what took place at the “Azusa Street revivals.”
The Azusa Street meetings began on 14 April 1906, and they were considered the “birth of the Pentecostal movement.” Consider this firsthand report about what took place at the Azusa Street gatherings in September 1906:
“… they cry and make howling noises all day and into the night. They run, jump, shake all over, shout to the top of their voices, spin around in circles, fall out on the sawdust blanketed floor jerking, kicking and rolling all over. Some of them pass out and do not move for hours as though they were dead.
These people appear to be mad, mentally deranged or under a spell. They claim to be filled with the Spirit… Their preacher who stays on his knees much of the time with his head hidden between the wooden milk crates—he doesn’t talk very much, but at times he can be heard shouting, ‘Repent!’ And he’s supposed to be running the thing… They repeatedly sing the same song, ‘The Comforter Has Come.’”
Advocates of these revivals claim that they have received a “touch from God,” but regardless of what they say about it, or what they call it, I am certain that all of it is of the devil! And God’s people need to have nothing to do with it!
I am greatly concerned that so many people, particularly our youth, are being led away by smooth-talking ministers, who are luring them to their charismatic churches and events. Please be warned, the practice of being “slain in the Spirit” is Satanic in nature, and the spirit behind this so-called “baptism in the Holy Spirit” is not the Spirit of God, but is the “spirit of Antichrist!”
Satan is alive and well, and the “angel of light” continues to be invited into so many of the churches by unwary ministers, and a people that is sound asleep. These “wolves in sheep’s clothing” are walking about seeking whom they may devour, and this is the “season” that all God’s people need to be so wary!
Even though the body and soul of Vernon Howell (a.k.a. David Koresh) was violently removed from this earth over twenty years ago, the spirit of Antichrist that was inside of him still lives on in the hearts of some deceived and wicked men! And that is the definitive truth!”
End of Excerpt from “Walking With the Enemy: A Testimony,” by C. Read
[I would like to interject this revealing quote from “Teen Challenge,” about the false teacher, who advocated a false gospel, and who started the “Pensacola Revival” at Brownsville Assembly of God Church. Taken from their website, Teen Challenge USA.org as of 4/1/2019.
“Steve Hill graduated Teen Challenge of Mid-America and goes on to be an evangelist, missionary, and a key leader of the famous Brownsville revival in Florida, which reached more than 3 million people with the Gospel.”]
Only the true Gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to truly save the souls of men. Many false teachers are using God’s name in vain to attract followers, but where are they leading? The Truth of God will set a person free from the power of Darkness, but the question that needs to be asked, Do you love the Truth, more than you love your sin and unrighteousness?
This is one of my favorite passages, and I hope it is the cry of your heart too!
Psalms 84:8-12 “O LORD God of hosts, hear my prayer: give ear, O God of Jacob. Selah.
Behold, O God our shield, and look upon the face of thine anointed.
For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.
For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly.
O LORD of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in Thee.”
Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you are a true follower of Christ, I will always be grateful for your prayers. May the LORD God bless you and keep you from the Evil One. He is out there seeking whom he may destroy, and he takes no greater pleasure than to bring down a Christian. But always remember, if you are a genuine disciple of the LORD Jesus Christ, “greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4
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