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From The Heart of My Husband

17 June 2023 / 28 Sivan 5783

I originally posted this last year, but I want to share it again. In light of the current controversy over the role of women in the church, I would like to clarify my views on this important topic.

According to God’s Holy word, women are not to be pastors of a church, or in positions of authority over men, but the views of a Godly woman who is led by the Holy Spirit should always be prayerfully considered.

I am so thankful God gave me a dear Husband who was very supportive of me and the ministry He entrusted us with! I miss Him so much, 💔 and I so look forward to the glorious Day when I will see Him again!

19 June 2022

On this Father’s Day, I would like to share excerpts from my book, “Walking With the Enemy: A Testimony,” by C. Read. It’s a very special letter that reflects the heart of my dear Husband—the Father to our seven beautiful children that God has blessed us with.

As some may know, my Husband recently went to be with the LORD, and His absence has left us with broken hearts, and a great void in our lives. But by God’s grace we will continue on until we meet again in that beautiful place that God has prepared for those who truly love Him!

I now understand why God has such a special place in His heart for the fatherless and widows…💔 And I am so thankful for those who have been such a blessing to me and my family! I will forever praise the LORD God for His loving kindness towards me and my children!

The wife of a very brave soldier!

29 June 1993

My dear sister in the Lord,

C., I pray the words I write to you, that you will hear them in your heart and not your mind, as I like to do. For He has laid it on my heart to write these words to you now…

Now, more than ever, is it time to wake up and pay attention to what is going on in this world. Ever mindful to the presence of the Lord in our daily life, always being sensitive to the gentle and loving guidance of the Holy Spirit, that our God in heaven has provided us with…

C., we have to be strong for the causes of God. It would please Satan just fine for you to be defeated and to quit pursuing the mission God has called you to do…

C., Satan will use whatever means possible to accomplish his goals: your children, your husband, your church, your community, and the law of the land. So continue to be cautious of others and always to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and the will of God; ever mindful of your responsibility to reprove those things that are not of the Lord.

I truly thank God for His faithful servant placed in my path, that He so graciously gave to me as my wife. I thank God for using you as an instrument to bring His word into my heart. Praise God!

I didn’t fully tell you just how beautiful and touching the card was that you gave me on Father’s Day. It really meant a lot to me. It was one of the most touching things that I have ever received. The words you spoke through that card were filled with your love for me and the sweet fragrance of our Lord…

C., I do love you and I ask you for your patience and understanding in all things.

God Almighty and all-powerful will lead us through all of our tribulations. Praise God, for He is so wonderful!

Your friend in the Lord,

Your Husband

Published inMy Views

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  1. Pastor Arnie Pastor Arnie

    As I tearfully read this, I humbly salute this brave soldier and his wife! I admire and look-up to this man of God, and with that blessed hope to see him and his beloved wife face to face at the feet of our glorious loving Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at His Kingdom! Even so, come Lord Jesus!

    Take care my Dearest Friend and fellow servant of the Most High God! We constantly PRAY for you and your beloved Children.

    In the love of Jesus Christ;
    Pastor Arnie

  2. Your husband’s writing is brilliant–a true testament to how much time He spent with the Lord and in The Word! This is touching, and a true call for us all to focus on God and fulfil His purpose for us. Thank you for sharing with me, my friend! ❤

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