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I Saw the LORD!

Flickering Flame

7 November 2022 / 13 Heshvan 5783

Today marks forty-three years since I called upon the LORD God to save me and the man I dearly love. I was definitely going in the wrong direction at that time, but God had a plan to direct my way back to Him.

I was currently enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, and my duty station was in Hawaii; but while on a special mission to Yuma, Arizona, the US Embassy in Tehran was taken over by Iranian students, on 4 November 1979, and they took several hostages.

A very special Marine friend of mine was on a six month deployment to Japan, and could have been sent to Iran at a moments notice. Out of desperation, due to the Iranian Hostage Crisis, and my love and concern for my friend, I earnestly called out to God to protect him and my fellow Marines!

Soon after that, a Marine, whom I had never met before, walked up to me as I was leaving my barracks, and handed me a Bible, and said, “Here, I think you need to read this.”

I took his advice, and I started reading that beautiful book. As a result of reading and receiving God’s Holy Word, I met the LORD Jesus Christ through those pages, and I committed my life to Him. I AM, and have been, completely devoted to the LORD God ever since!

To my great relief, my special friend was never ordered to go to Iran. And after he returned to Hawaii, we were married almost a year later.

The LORD God kept us together for over forty-four years, and blessed us with seven beautiful children, and several grandchildren, until He was called home!

I have a continual sorrow in my heart when I think about being without my dear Husband, but I am so thankful to God, because I know I will see my beloved Husband in Heaven one great and glorious Day.

Until then, I pray I will fulfill the call that Almighty God has placed upon my life! And by God’s mercy and grace I will!

I have a Testimony I love to share with whomsoever will receive it. It can be difficult to read, especially for my dear family, who were greatly affected by Satan’s attempt to destroy us while I was “Walking With the Enemy,” but I praise God for His love, mercy, and protection!

My book is very controversial, and will shake up the religious views of some, but regardless of what anyone says, I saw the LORD on that amazing evening, when the Holy Spirit poured Himself into me on 28 February 1993, and gave me a prophecy to share with His people, and those who have yet to meet Him.

There are many imposters and false representatives of the LORD Jesus Christ, but that, too, is a fulfillment of the Holy Scriptures. I am certain that those who know the LORD, will understand, and my story will bear witness in their hearts!

Ever since I published my Testimony on 2 March 1995, I have sent many people “Walking With the Enemy,” and by God’s grace, I will continue to proclaim the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, until God is ready to call me home.

Prophecy of 28 February 1993    

“Many things you have been taught here has been done in secrecy and in Darkness. You have been taught truth mixed with lies, and the Lord says it will go on no longer!

And you, [Pastor], is the one who has taught the lies, and the Lord says it will go on no longer in this home. The Lord is giving you a chance to turn from your sin, and He is so forgiving that He will not hold your sin against you, if you repent. And if you do not, you will die!

He is my Husband, and I love Him with a love that cannot be broken. I love you too, but with a brotherly love. And I beg you to repent!

Everything you have learned here has been tainted with evil, and you cannot hold on to any of it. The only thing that you can hold on to is the fact that Jesus Christ died for you, and by His mighty power, God raised Him from the dead.

If you believe that in your heart, and claim Him as Lord, He will put the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead inside of you, to lead you and guide you into the Truth!

Light will overshadow Darkness, and Darkness will not be able to stand in the presence of God!”

All praise, honor, and glory be unto the One who sits upon the Throne, and unto the Lamb, forever and ever! Amen!

A servant of the Most High God, and the LORD Jesus Christ!


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One Comment

  1. Pastor Arnie Pastor Arnie

    My Dearly Beloved Friend;
    Prayer Partner;

    It is a great joy and encouragement to read this update of your service to our Lord from 43 years ago! And I am so delighted personally, to see that you are 2 years, 11 days older than me, when I met the Lord Jesus Christ on November 28, 1981. How wonderful are the works of God’s hand in molding our lives, and even His ways are unsearchable on how HE arranged things for our benefit even when we were yet unaware that He is calling us to be His servants!

    Thank you so much for sharing this with us! And thank you so much for being obedient to the voice of the Lord and His call for you to become His voice to others! Following Him is not easy, and the enemy is always on his way to hinder us, or if possible hurt us…but greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world!

    May the Lord strengthen you as you keep yourself faithful in His ministry, even though your beloved Husband has gone home to be with our Lord, we still have a mission to do while we are still here, so we need to encourage each other to stay strong and faithful until the end of our lives, or until He come for us!

    Keep yourself strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!

    We keep you and your Family in our hearts and Prayers.

    Fellow servant of the Most High God;
    Pastor Arnie

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