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Inspired by God

27 August 2022 / 30 AV 5782

Thirty years ago Today, God actually spoke to me by His Holy Spirit, and asked me to write down what He said to my heart, and I did. I know that to some people, that is an absolutely outlandish claim to make, but to those who truly believe that the LORD God can still speak to His people who are truly listening, it is not.

Yes, there are many who claim to hear from God, but they are “giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;” (1 Timothy 4:1), but I AM certain I was inspired by God to write down what He said to me, and I just ask you to prayerfully consider what I have written.


Prophecy of 27 August 1992

             “The words I speak to you are Spirit and life. I Am calling My people, those whom the Father has given Me, unto Myself.

All men through all ages have had an opportunity to come unto Me, and they will continue to have that opportunity, but this age is soon to come to an end.

I have a special task for certain people at this time. I Am, and have been preparing people for a work that I have called them to do.

I have impressed upon the hearts of those to whom I have called, and none of this will come as a surprise to them. But they will still have a choice in the matter as to whether they will allow Me to shape and mold them.

There are some very hard struggles going on with certain people, and they know who they are. Your works are being tried by fire. The only ones that I will place the special anointing on are the ones who can pass through that fire.

I Am training many people all over the world for this task, and this is one place where that training process is going on. Why do you think that it’s such a stronghold for the enemy?

Satan does know who you are. And he will try every means possible to destroy what I have planned. That’s why it is so important for you to depend on Me and My word.

As you noticed, My anointing does not come as you will it, but as I will it. But there will come a time when everything you say will be My words. And I will give you the boldness you will need to speak those words. And you will have much opposition to the words you speak, just as you are encountering now. Like I said, this is a training period for you, and all soldiers must be prepared for battle.

If you thought you were in the battle zone before, you have not even gotten into the real war yet. You have been behind the lines, but very soon I Am going to be sending some of you across the lines to claim those that are Mine.

Their hearts and minds have been blinded up to this point, but because of My words, that you will speak, the blinders will be removed and they will have an opportunity to receive life or death. And if they choose death, it’s because they actually hate Me in their hearts, so don’t have sympathy for them.

Whoever is against Me is not for Me. And don’t be surprised when you find more against Me than you do for Me. As you noticed, most people don’t want to live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

A true Jew is not by descent, but by circumcision of the heart. And whether you are adopted in makes no difference to Me, because you will rule and reign with Me whether or not you are from the bloodline of David. The Spirit gives life; the flesh conveys no benefit whatever.

There’s been talk of a large church in the making, but that is not in My plan for you. As the time gets closer, I will reveal to you more of the events of the future. But for now, all I ask of you is to continue to learn of Me, worship the Father in Spirit and in truth, and pray for My people.

And remember, I will equip you with the amount of faith you will need to do anything I call you to do. I Am your strength. Just keep on learning how to deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Me.

             I Am the way, and I have some people I would like for you to direct their way to Me. You are My servants because you chose to be. So if I ask you to do some hard things, realize I know the outcome, and trust Me completely. After all, I AM THE LORD!”

Flickering Flame


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