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May God Open the Eyes of His People

3 January 2020

To Those Who Love God and His Truth:

I would like to share a message that I sent to several fellow Christians where I go to church. It touches on some disturbing issues taking place in the churches that is directly fueled by the Southern Baptist Convention leadership and other leaders.

1 January 2020

To Select members of HBC:

May you and your loved ones have a joyful and blessed New Year!

I would like to share some things that God has put on my heart concerning our church that I hope you will prayerfully consider.

As some of you know, especially if you were at the last business meeting, I am greatly concerned about the direction that the Southern Baptist Convention leadership is leading its co-operative churches.

It really bothers me that…[our] interim pastor/shepherd (and others in the HBC leadership) seem oblivious to the major problems going on in the SBC, (i.e. support for “gay rights,” CRT-which is essentially “affirmative action” in SBC churches, and the promotion of women in positions of leadership in the church that should explicitly be reserved for men—just to name a few of my concerns with the leaders of the SBC.

I want to make very clear that I love Brother G…, and I believe he is a sincere believer. And I think he would make a great pastor for our church, if it is the Lord’s will. But in his present condition I see him as naive as I was before I started “Walking With the Enemy.”

I knew my vote would not make a difference, and I certainly would have preferred it was a paper ballot, but currently I cannot support someone who is leading our church to join hands with “All Seasons,” and other Charismatic and Pentecostal churches.

And I am especially concerned about our “indirect” affiliation with the RCC during the recent ecumenical Crusade with Rick Gage… (The leaders of that crusade told me they had contacted nuns…to be counselors, but at the time of our conversation they had not yet confirmed their participation.

ALL denominations were welcome to be involved in that crusade which is why I had such a problem with our support. Moreover, it also concerned me that HBC members were not even given an opportunity to say if we wanted to be involved.

I have obviously lost “friends” …because of my views, but as long as I am a member of HBC, and I see that we, as a church, are heading in the wrong direction, I have to speak up if the Lord is prompting me to do so.  And HE is!

It’s fine if you don’t agree with me, but I hope you will at least pray about my concerns, and may the Lord give you understanding.

My sole allegiance is to Almighty God and His holy word, and it is my sincere desire to be pleasing to my Lord and Savior first and foremost! And I pray that is your desire too!

I pray that HBC can be a people that worships God in Spirit and in Truth! He does seek such to worship Him!

As a church, may we be willing to stand up for the Truth of God, and against the lies of Satan! Amen!

May God be with you and your loved ones in the coming year!

With the love of Christ…

End of message to HBC

May this be the year that God opens the eyes of His people so they can see where the Wicked One has been leading them astray and into the Darkness…

It’s just like what God said in my testimony: “Walking With the Enemy.”

“Everything you have learned here has been tainted with evil, and you can’t hold onto any of it.

The only thing that you can hold on to is the fact that Jesus Christ died for you, and by His mighty power, God raised Him from the dead.

And if you believe that in your heart, and claim Him as Lord, He will put the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead inside of you to lead you and guide you into the truth!

Light will overshadow darkness, and darkness will not be able to stand in the presence of God!” 2/28/1993

I love God’s people, and I pray that God will be merciful and gracious to those who are walking in Darkness, yet know not where they are going!

I am a living testimony of God’s love, grace, and mercy! Of whom I am so thankful! Praise God!

May God bless and keep you and your family and loved ones—always!

With the love of Christ,

Published inMy Views

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