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The Common Man

Flickering Flame

6 October 2020 / 18 Tishrie 5781

The Feast of Tabernacles  

Today, we are in the midst of a very important season that God has asked His people to remember. To understand the Biblical Holy Days is to know the awesome sovereignty of Almighty God, and the wonderful gift of salvation He provided through His Son, the LORD Jesus Christ, the Messiah of Israel.

I read a devotional today where the author referred to Ignatius of Loyola in a positive light. However, considering the horror of what took place 484 years ago, and given that this is also the “Feast of Tabernacles,” makes this Day bitter sweet!

Ignatius was a Spanish priest and theologian who founded the Jesuit order in 1534, and was established by Pope Paul III in 1540. Ignatius was one of the most influential figures in the Counter-Reformation and eventually succeeded in converting/coercing millions around the world to Catholicism. The Jesuits are known for their missionary, educational, and charitable works. They remind me of Freemasons who are also known for their “many charitable works,” but according to the founders of this esoteric entity, the “god” of Freemasonry is Abaddon!

Revelation 9:11   “And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.”

Today is the anniversary of when William Tyndale was martyred for His faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! His famous last words before he was strangled to death and burned at the stake on 6 October 1536 was: “LORD, open the King of England’s eyes.” His “crime?” He translated the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts of the Holy Scriptures into the English language so the “common man” could also read and understand the Word of God!

After the departure of this faithful servant of the LORD, God did open the eyes of the King of England, and Tyndale’s manuscripts became the basis for many subsequent English translations, most notably the King James Version of 1611.

I hope you will read “Spiritual Deception in the Highest,” by Jeff Johnson, if you would like to understand why I am so passionate about this issue, which is linked to my post “In Memory of William Tyndale.” Johnson writes about this blessed saint, and shows why he favors the King James Version (KJV) verses the modern translations.

The acceptance of corrupt Bible versions is THE primary way that Satan has used to weaken God’s people. The poisonous manuscripts of Westcott and Hort were first introduced into the Holy Script (in 1881), in order to undermine the Received Text—the manuscripts used in the KJV.

The Wicked One has accomplished his goal of diluting the Word of God through the modern versions, and they have gotten progressively worse! Just look at “The Message!” But God WILL have the Final Word!

I ask you to seriously consider whether you are armed with the true knowledge of God’s Holy Word, so you can resist the lure of the Devil into his vortex of evil. However, if you are already in Satan’s grip, may God have mercy on your soul! ONLY God can release the chains that bind you, and open the eyes that are blind. And it is my sincere prayer, that God will open the eyes of His people before it is too late!

Something to Think About!

Updated: 6 October 2022 / 11 Tishrei 5783

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