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The Definitive Truth

Flickering Flame20 April 2020 / 26 Nisan 5780 / 12th Day of the Omer

From the Introduction of “Walking With the Enemy: A Testimony,” by C. Read.

I am certain that the hosts of this radio station had no idea that they were being used by the LORD to assist me in exposing the hidden agenda of the devil himself—which is the peaceful eradication of mankind!

This was my first encounter with these men, and even though they were discussing a very serious matter, after reading this you’ll have to admit that the LORD has such a wonderful sense of humor. [Please note: This Interview took place the day after Koresh and his followers were destroyed by the raging fire that engulfed their Compound they called Mount Carmel.]

Guest Speaker: Dr. David Breese with Tim Wildmon

Prophecy & Cult Expert / 20 April 1993

Wildmon: Let’s go to C. Read…Thanks for being patient, and go ahead with your question or your comment.

C.: I was just wanting to mention that I had just been delivered from a cult. And actually it happened on 28 February 1993.

Wildmon: What took place? What kind of cult was this? Can you give the name of it, C.?

C.: [It was a Bible study group.] I was with them a little over three years.

Wildmon: Dave, is there a question you would like to ask C., maybe to find out what kind of a cult this was?

Breese: Yeah, C., uh, first of all, I rejoice that you have been delivered.

C.: Oh, me too. It’s wonderful, actually!

Breese: And I can tell by the sound of your voice that you thank God you weren’t beguiled totally and completely into this thing, but something of the clear word of God got to you so that you came to Christ. Right?

C.: Oh, yeah!

Breese: That is a great testimony, C. I’d be interested to know, did someone come and preach, or did—

C.: Oh, no. The Lord actually came down by His Spirit into my living room.

Breese: Do what?

C.: It was a real fascinating experience.

Breese: Oh, my!

C.: He, uh—it’s kind of a whole long story.

Breese: C., stop right there! Did you say someone, or something, came down and materialized in your living room?

C.:The Holy Spirit manifested in a person and spoke. And that person happened to be me. And I hate to—I don’t hate to say me, but for some reason, it’s almost like I am boasting if I claim that the Lord actually spoke through me. But He did…He spoke in a very mighty way, and it happened that same day.

The main thing about it is that our leader, my ex-leader, was supposedly a very godly man. And it was through deception and seduction, and many things were involved.

Wildmon: C., can I encourage you, when we get through with our conversation with Dave Breese, to give him a telephone call at his ministry, and you all can discuss this?

I’m sure, Dave, you have some questions relative to what C. is talking about. And C., if you would jot down that telephone number and call Dave. We have another caller waiting, and since you said it’s a long story then maybe he can find time to discuss it with you.

C.: Okay.

Breese: And we’ll be happy to send this book, “The Marks of a Cult,” to all who call and request it. So we will welcome your call.


Lest you think I am even remotely in agreement with Charismatic preachers and Pentecostal churches or their movements, please prayerfully read this “EndNote” from my Testimony that will explain exactly what I think of these spurious denominations and false teachings.

Excerpt from “Walking With the Enemy: A Testimony,” by C. Read

The Definitive Truth: To help the reader of this book to better understand the great danger of being involved with people who actually belong to the devil, and are serving him, I would like to share an excerpt from a message that I heard on the Internet.

The preacher made the following statement to his congregation on Father’s Day, Sunday, 15 June 2014. The context of his sermon was his “private interpretation” of 1 Corinthians 13, and his view of prophecy, tongues, and why people need the “baptism in the Holy Spirit.”

He said, and I quote:

“We all are looking through a glass darkly. All of us…You can still see, but when someone starts drawing lines and saying it is the definitive truth, then be careful. Because there are very few definitive truths in the Bible. There’s a lot of mystical stuff…God says, I’ll use whatever I need to use, and do whatever I need to do. He’s going to use the things that are just the oddest, the craziest, He’s going to use people you think shouldn’t be used…”

I find it interesting that this pastor would do a sermon on the need to experience the “baptism in the Holy Spirit” on Father’s Day. I am sure he was quite aware of the Brownsville Revival (aka Pensacola Outpouring), which took place on Father’s Day, 18 June 1995, at Brownsville Assembly of God Church in Pensacola, Florida.

Reportedly, more than four million people attended services at Brownsville from its inception in 1995 to when it ended about five years later. The services included “praise and worship music” and some preaching. The highlights were the altar calls, where people were encouraged to come to the front to get “right with God.”

The minister would “lay hands” on them, while another person stood behind the person being “preyed” upon to catch them when they fell backward. (Pun intended.) Untold thousands hit the ground during the course of that revival, where they either thrashed about or were prostrate on the floor as if in a coma, for hours at a time.

The “revivals” in Pensacola, Toronto, Azusa Street in L.A., and other so-called “moves of God” are all directly linked to the same antichrist spirit that was present in Bill’s ministry, and is also present in other charismatic / Pentecostal churches.

The “Toronto Blessing,” aka the “laughing revival,” began on 20 January 1994, and was characterized by extremely bizarre manifestations such as uncontrolled laughter, jerking all over, falling down and passing out, shaking violently, roaring like a lion, barking like a dog, and other very odd and crazy behavior, all of which was reminiscent and hauntingly similar to what took place at the “Azusa Street revivals.”

The Azusa Street meetings began on 14 April 1906, and were considered the “birth of the Pentecostal movement.” Consider this firsthand report about what took place at the Azusa Street gatherings in September 1906:

“… they cry and make howling noises all day and into the night. They run, jump, shake all over, shout to the top of their voices, spin around in circles, fall out on the sawdust blanketed floor jerking, kicking and rolling all over. Some of them pass out and do not move for hours as though they were dead.

These people appear to be mad, mentally deranged or under a spell. They claim to be filled with the Spirit… Their preacher who stays on his knees much of the time with his head hidden between the wooden milk crates—he doesn’t talk very much, but at times he can be heard shouting, ‘Repent!’ And he’s supposed to be running the thing… They repeatedly sing the same song, ‘The Comforter Has Come.’”

Advocates of these revivals claim they have received a “touch from God,” but regardless of what they say, or what they call it, I am certain all of it is of the devil! And God’s people need to have nothing to do with it!

I am concerned that so many people, particularly our youth, are being led away by smooth-talking ministers, who are luring them to their charismatic churches and events. Please be warned, the practice of being “slain in the Spirit” is Satanic in nature, and the spirit behind this so-called “baptism in the Holy Spirit” is not the Spirit of God, but the “spirit of antichrist!”

Satan is alive and well, and the “angel of light” continues to be invited into the churches by unwary ministers, and by a people that is sound asleep. These “wolves in sheep’s clothing” are walking about seeking whom they may devour, and this is the “season” that all God’s people need to be wary!

Even though the body and soul of Vernon Howell was violently removed from this earth over twenty years ago, the spirit of antichrist that was inside of him still lives on in the hearts of some deceived and wicked men! And that is the definitive truth!

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