The Gift
When I gave you the Gift, due to the birth of the King,
I truly felt that It would bring you great joy and delight.
I also imagined that you would display It in a place for all to see,
But obviously that was not to be Its plight.
And when you kept It hid away and out of plain sight,
I was greatly disappointed
that It was not as important to you, as It was to Me.
Maybe It wasn’t for you what you thought It would be?
The things of the world will indeed fade away and be diminished,
And only what God has given will matter when all is finished.
So it’s best to keep in mind
that only the things of heaven will last and be forever,
And what you do for the LORD Jesus Christ
will be applied to that treasure.
God most certainly takes into account
all that we do in this present life,
And depending on what we do with His Word
will either bring us joy or brings us strife.
And as the LORD reveals the true condition of our hearts,
we must totally submit to Almighty God if we are smart.
So that He can cleanse, and purify, and remove all that is evil,
But should we refuse we will be guilty of serving the Devil!
Never forget that what The Father has given
is much more important to procure,
And could be taken away from those who do not keep It secure.
The Gift of God’s Spirit
should be protected with our very own life,
and cherished, and honored, and adored,
As a man should be toward his wife.
And if we ever willfully ignore God’s Voice and speak evil of Him,
We will most certainly be in danger of blasphemy the sin,
That could cause us to be eternally separated from Them,
Who have prepared the Way for all men
to be a part of God’s Family.
C. Read 1/24/1995
What a beautiful Poem! A very good reminder of the greatest gift the Lord God gave us in expression of His love for us…
And who are we to reject and neglect it? We should be always listening to the Holy Spirit and be ready to respond in obedience, for the glory of our Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Yet, many still did not believe no matter how we proclaim the Gospel, especially to those dear to our hearts. But we keep on praying for them, that in time, the Lord will open their hearts and ears so that they will hear with their ears and believe in their hearts, and receive the GIFT.
Thank you my Dearest Friend! Let us keep the True Light shine through us! Keep safe and God bless as always.
Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!
31 December 2022 / 7 Tevet 5783
My Dear Pastor Arnie,
Yes, so many men reject the precious Gift of God’s beloved Son, the LORD Jesus Christ, Who is the only Way of Salvation, but sadly “wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:” ( Matthew 7:13b) “For many are called, but few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:14)
In Isaiah 53:3b Jesus was described as “rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from Him; He was despised, and we esteemed Him not.” In John 14:6b Jesus said, “I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” And because God knows all things, Jesus knew that most people would not make it to that beautiful place that He has prepared for all who love and worship Him, and accept His great sacrifice when He laid down His life for all of mankind!
For those of us who truly trust God and believe His Holy Word, our life in this world will always be joy mixed with sorrow, but until we join our LORD God in Heaven, and our loved ones who have gone on before us, may we be busy about the work of the LORD, and be willing to direct others to the “True Light,” of Christ Jesus, as we are led by His Holy Spirit!
My dear friend, you, your loved ones, and your ministry are always in my prayers, and I truly, truly thank you for your prayers to our dear God in Heaven!
With the love of Christ,
C. Read