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The Storms of This Life

13 October 2024 / 11 Tishrei 5785

I have shared this in the past, but in light of all the devastating storms taking place, and the many difficulties and hardships people are facing Today, I hope these words will bring hope, comfort, and strength to those who need it. And may God be with you in your journey!

The Storms of this Life
Hurricane Katrina
29 August 2005

My youngest son had just turned three
a month before the storm hit.

My little Justus was trying to be so brave when his sister took a picture of him
while he was standing beside me in the doorway of our home on that day.

His eyes and face were red from crying, and he was holding his lips real tight to keep from getting upset in front of the camera.

He, along with his six-year-old brother, was absolutely terrified when the trees started falling all around us during the worst part of the storm.

My little boys became visibly upset when an over one hundred foot pine tree fell across our drive way and blocked us in.

They were begging me to call someone for help, and I did, but the lady at City Hall said there was nothing they could do, and that we just needed to ride out the storm.

When another pine tree went through the roof and water started pouring into the kitchen and a bedroom, all seven of my children became quite distressed.

It was then that I realized we could actually die in this storm, but I also had full confidence that only if it was God’s will.

I can honestly say that absolute fear was not with me on that horribly devastating day, but a great love and concern for my dear children.

My response to the terror of the storm was to humbly call upon the Lord, and His peace was noticeably with us. I thank God He heard my most earnest plea!

My husband was not able to be with us due to the war, but soon before he was to arrive home, my oldest daughter asked my little Justus, “Are you going to tell daddy that you were a big boy during the storm?”

He hung his little head and looked to the ground, and a few moments later, with an ashamed look on his face, he looked up and said, “No, I was little.”

That profound statement, from the mouth of my baby, reminded me just how small we really are in the sight of God!

We all need the Lord God in our lives, and He is the only One who can truly help us in the midst of the Storms of this Life!

God will use trials and tribulations to show us how we desperately need Him, and I hope you won’t reject Him when He calls!

For those who have turned to God, and away from sin, His love will forever live in those who worship only Him!

The devil wants to lead you into sin, and fill your heart with hate, so he can separate you from God, and those who love Him too.

Satan is the one who wants you dead, so he can destroy your soul in Hell! I Am pleading, don’t give into his lies and deceit!

Jesus Christ is truly the only way to Heaven, and He gave His life so we could live with Him, world without end! Amen!


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One Comment

  1. Pastor Arnie Pastor Arnie

    What a comforting message for those who are in the midst of “The Storms of This Life!”

    Praise the Lord for the “peace that passeth all understanding” that He gives to His faithful children in the midst of the storm!

    Thank you very much my Dearest Friend for this reminders of our being “little,” but very precious in God’s eyes of love.

    May our life so reflect the True Light- JESUS, so that they will see the only Way to the Father!

    To God be the glory!

    Let us remain strong in the Lord and in the power of HIS might!

    Ever grateful fellow servant of the Most High God;

    Prayer Partner;
    Pastor Arnie

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