The following message (edited for privacy) is one that all God’s people can benefit from if they will listen and believe my testimoony. I sent this to members of my small Baptist Church that I belonged to at that time, and other Christians. What is happening in our congregation is going on all over the country and the world for that matter. Churches are being influenced and taken over by the Enemy at an alarming rate. Sadly, many don’t see how they are compromising the very gospel that they claim to love! They say I am guilty of persecuting the Church by speaking out against this “movement,” but as long as God leads me, I will continue to warn others of the danger of joining hands with those who are not walking with Christ in the “True Light!, but are “Walking With the Enemy,” and doing his bidding!
20 October 2019/ 21 Tishrei 5780 The “ecumenical” event promoted by my church and other area churches is supposed to be taking place this evening... This past week our family was celebrating “The Feast of Tabernacles,” and since today is the last day of the Feast, I could not attend the Rick Gage crusade even if I wanted to... (Actually I AM very much opposed to it...) I realize that many well meaning Christians see nothing wrong with joining hands with other churches even though they have no idea what they teach, yet my church and many other Baptist churches were pulled right into it! I went to the initial meeting (for informational purposes only), and when one of our active deacons was asked to get up in the pulpit to announce our promotion of this ungodly unity with “Christian” churches in our area I just had to walk out of the service. This was the service when our “pastor in the interim” made the totally unsubstantiated claim/rumor that King James (the king who sanctioned the KJV of the Bible) was a homosexual! I was told he regretted saying that, but he never told me, nor have I heard him publicly express his regret before the church. (By the way, charismatics and Catholics are welcomed to be counselors by Rick Gage—just like Billy Graham did! After all, Mr. Gage is advertised as the “Billy Graham” of small towns). Just so you know what the term "ecumenism" means: It refers to efforts by “Christians” of different Church traditions to develop closer relationships and better understandings...” They seek to form a unity despite their differences in doctrine, and beliefs about God and what He requires of His people. God has warned us in His word about supporting a false gospel, and that is what this "crusade" is all about!
Well, so MANY “Church traditions” are absolutely unbiblical in their teachings, and any new believer that makes a profession of faith in Jesus Christ at this “crusade” may very well be sent back to a church that is against Jesus Christ, AND His Holy Spirit, AND His Holy word! Sadly, our church is now a partner with this unholy alliance! If you see nothing wrong with joining hands with a man who promotes the “ecumenical movement,” as prophesied by the prophets of God in the Holy Scriptures, you have been deceived by the Deceiver! I will continue to pray for the folks of our church. I know there are many who love the Lord Jesus Christ in that congregation, and I earnestly pray that Almighty God, who loves you dearly, will open your eyes to the truth! ? If I didn’t love you too, I would just be silent and I say nothing...But I do care very much!
The following audio message (recorded the day after I sent that text message), expresses my sorrow toward those who are against me, and if you have time I hope you will listen… I know it’s quite a bold statement to make, but how you respond to my testimony is actually a “gage” as to how well you are able to hear the voice of God speaking to your heart… And by the way, HE STILL SPEAKS, despite what some men may say…
21 October 2019 / 22 Tishrei 5780
Updated 16 January 2020 / 20 Tevet 5780
My Dear Friend and Fellow Servant of Jesus;
It is very encouraging to know that there are still servants of the Most High God who remains faithful to His Word and His will.
On the other hand, it is also a sad reality of the present generation that many is departing from the faith which was once delivered wherein Christians are mandated to contend for.
I was once invited to join a Ministerial fellowship with the same goal- to unite all christian leaders, and eventually churches. When I heard one of them said, “let us set aside our doctrines and let us focus in love… because doctrine divides, but love unites.”, I told them I can not join. When he asked, “Why?” I told him that I can cause trouble with the group because I will always ask “What the Bible says” in everything we do… and that is doctrine. Besides, how can I love anyone outside the bounds of the Bible?
Doctrine should not divide but unite the True believers of Jesus.And because these leaders do not want to conform to what the Word of God commands and commends, they wanted to set it aside. And because of that, you can find them them on the way to destruction because God will judge those who do not keep His Word.
They say that our time is different, because times change… yes, times and people change, but the Word of God will remain forever! And those who follow His Word will be found faithful… and will receive a reward.
I pray for you my Friend, that you will stay strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
Keep up the good work!
God bless as always.
21 November 2019
My Dear Pastor Arnie and Beloved Friend and Fellow Servant of the Most High God,
As you confirmed, the DOCTRINE of Christ should be paramount in the life of those who love and serve the LORD God; and as true followers of the Lord Jesus Christ—male and female—it is our duty to defend the gospel / doctrine of Christ, and it is our privilege to stand up for the truth of God’s Holy Word as we are led by the Holy Spirit!
(There is currently a major debate about whether women should preach to men, and whereas God has a specific order that He expects us to follow, which I fully agree with–such as women are not to be in positions of authority over men whether in the churches, family, or society according to God’s word; however, I believe the Godly counsel of mature women should always be taken into account; and while I AM opposed to men being under the authority of women, I believe women should have supporting roles in all facets of this life.
Moreover, the testimony of Godly women should be greatly valued, and for those who choose to ignore what God has said in His word, and what He has revealed to chosen men and women of God, it will be to their detriment…
I praise God for men like you! And I thank God for your faithfulness to our Lord Jesus and His Word in the midst of this “adulterous and sinful generation,” that is getting worse and worse, as God has warned us about through His Word.
Please note selected Scriptural references to ”doctrine” that I have noted: (I would like to encourage you to read Chapter One of 2nd Peter for context. Preferably from the KJV Bible.
Notice that Jesus warned about the doctrine of the religious leaders in the following passage, which reminds me of how so many in the top leadership in the Southern Baptist Convention and its seminary’s and other entities are promoting corrupt doctrine in our day. (See my Twitter feed to see the progressive “falling away” of Christians from “the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” Jude)
One of the main problems I have with some of my sincere Christians brothers, is that they are guilty of doing some of the same things as the original disciples of Jesus. So many men are still carnal and not “spiritual men.”
I have noted several reference which reveals what God thinks about His Doctrine, men’s doctrine, and the doctrines of devils. When you have time read through these Scriptures (and read the full passage for context) to get the full picture of what God thinks about DOCTRINE.
Please note that the apostles of Christ learned directly from the Lord Jesus first hand, and for those who are truly born again of the Holy Spirit, we have His witness within us, and He—the Holy Spirit, WILL lead and guide us into the Truth if we are listening….
And for those sincere believers who are not able to hear the voice of God within their hearts, which will ALWAYS bear witness in the revealed Word of God, there can be several reasons for that:
1. Sin can be obscuring their vision— especially pride and self-righteousness —the most dangerous sins for a Christian to be guilty of.
2. Believing lies or false doctrine, whether they be through an author, musician, preacher, pastor, or layman. Error WILL lead even a sincere person away from the Truth.
3. For those who believe lies in place of the truth, Satan can blind the mind of a sincere Christian through evil and seducing spirits. Which is why it is SO important to not allow unknown persons (particularly Charismatics and Pentecostal) to”pray and lay hands on you,” such as what happens in these churches and can even happen at these ecumenical gatherings.
Moreover, the way they just invite every ”ordained” visitors, no matter who they are, to lay hands on a newly elected deacon at SBC churches has always greatly concerned me.
These are specific ways that so many people are being led away from God and His Truth… And as my Testimony, “Walking With the Enemy,” reveals I also know for certain that if a person truly loves God and has been deceived by sin, Satan, and his evil workers, that God WILL rescue them… But they must be willing to reject sin, Satan, and self. And they must be fully committed to Almighty God, His beloved Son-the Lord Jesus Christ, and His Holy Word, which requires us to expose error and reject those who lie, especially among those who call themselves fellow believers in Christ.
One last passage I hope you will prayerfully consider…
My dear brother in Christ, I look forward to the day we can ”speak face to face,” if not here on earth, I am certain we will meet one great and glorious Day in that beautiful place that God has prepared for those who truly love Him and our LORD Jesus Christ, of whom we are one!
You, your dear family, and God’s people who are with you are always in my prayers! And I truly thank you for your prayers!
With the love of Christ,
C. Read
Thank you for sharing. I didn’t attend the crusade either because I had never heard of it, so I did some research. After my research, it was glaringly obvious it was not glorifying God. And like you, I was surprised at the number of professing Christians and churches supporting the event by attending and advertising.
He, like you, opened my eyes 4-5 years ago to the truth. And I’m so thankful He did. Thank you again…I will pray for you and praise God for my sister in the Lord.
Thank you Lisa! I truly appreciate your comments! We are living in such a time that deception is abounding, and false teachers are proliferating! Jesus had even warned His disciples, that in the time before His return in Judgment, that even the very “elect” could be deceived.
So let us continue to be watchful and pray, with our Bibles always open in study of His Holy Word, as we are led by His beautiful Holy Spirit! Amen!
Please know you are in my prayers too, and I thank you for yours! God bless and keep you and your family and loved ones!
With the love of Christ,
C. Read