From “Walking in the True Light: A Testimony,” by C. Read
A Word from the Writer
It’s been said that once you have the knowledge “then” you will be held accountable for what you have heard.
But according to the Holy Scriptures if you call yourself a man or woman of God you are “already” accountable for every word that has proceeded from the mouth of God.
His word has been written, His beloved Son lived it out, and those who are true Christians have His Holy Spirit.
Thus there will be no excuse for not doing God’s will; yet regretfully many people will perish for lack of knowledge not only because they believed the lies of a man but also because they fell into the trap of the Wicked One.
And in this little book I hope to dispel many of the lies that have been spoken in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, so as to help you see some of the dangers set before us all.
May the True Light shine upon you as you seek to follow Almighty God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength; and may you truly have a heart to understand.
Howbeit, only he that hath an ear to hear will be able to hear what the Spirit sayeth unto the Churches…
Preface To the Second Edition
Enclosed is my most recent book…that I will be sending to those whom the Lord has led me to share it with…
This testimony is only for a very select few, and I Am so fascinated at the many different types of people that the Lord has put in my path. My sincere prayer is that you will read what I have written with a heart to truly understand what the Lord God has shown me about some of the “movements” taking place in our day.
I also wanted to mention that the reason why many of you are on my list is because you were willing to obey the Lord and respond to my question regarding the “Pensacola Revival”.
This book is my gift to you and I really expect nothing in return. I just hope my testimony will cause you to acknowledge the Lord God Almighty in your daily lives, if you don’t already, as He is so deserving of our worship, adoration, and praise.
I don’t claim to know it all, but what I do know, I Am certain of. And I have no doubt that we are living in the final days as foretold by the Holy prophets and apostles of God. Which is why it is vitally important to be on guard and very watchful and cautious at all times. The eternal lives of so many people are at stake!
I have confidence that everything in connection with this “little book” has been within God’s time table; and I Am certain that the Lord was quite prepared for the many obstacles even though there were times that I was somewhat disheartened by the delays and various problems that I had to overcome in the process.
I just praise God that He has granted me the mercy and grace to finish this work; and I want to emphasize that it is only by the Lord God Almighty that I have been able to do any of this.
All praise, glory, and honour be unto the Majesty on High, and the Lamb of God who came to take away the sin of the world!
My heart truly goes out to those who love the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and for them this book was written.
Should my adversary be given a copy of my writings I hope that by reading this that they will sincerely seek to love and honour the Lord God Almighty with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength.
He is such a great God to serve, and one of the most heart-breaking things for me to consider is when I think about the many lies that are spoken in His name. Lives are being destroyed because the lies are believed, but that has been Satan’s objective from the beginning unto this very day; but praise God his days are numbered!
Please take the time to read this book. It’s only one hundred and forty four pages long so it shouldn’t take up too much of your time. But I do want to let you know that you will never be the same after you read this. Moreover next to the Holy Scriptures I believe this is the most important book you could read in this generation.
I know that’s an extremely bold statement to make but I know Whom I have believed. And I Am fully persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that Day. And that Day is closer than it has ever been. Howbeit the question that begs to be asked: Are you ready for that Day?
27 August 1997 / 24 Av 5757
That letter was sent out along with my book “Walking in the True Light” on Friday, 5 September 1997, twenty-five years ago To-day. Here’s the first chapter, and I truly hope it will be a blessing to all that read and believe my testimony.
Reflections of Pensacola
The following is based on a taped message that I had sent out to various people as I was led by the Lord. It was recorded on 11 November 1996, the day after I returned home from a conference in Pensacola Florida.
I Am a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ and I have been for several years now; but the actual date of my separation for His service was 28 February 1993. Not that I wasn’t serving Him prior to that it’s just that I had not yet been baptized in His Spirit to be empowered to go out and be His witness.
Up to that point I was still definitely struggling with this life and with the things that go on in this present world. Of course, I was still committed to the Lord, but on the twenty eighth of February is when I was translated from darkness into His wonderful Light!
Since that time, He has led me into many different things and I always try to be very sensitive to His Spirit. And my purpose in recording my “Reflections of Pensacola” is only because He said to.
I do a lot of things just because the Lord tells me and I don’t always know all the reasons why until afterwards, but He does make sure that I have everything I need in order to carry out His will.
Only God knows what is going on in the hearts of men and He knew why He wanted me to see firsthand what is taking place. Since my return from Pensacola He has told me that the main reason why He led me down there was for the sake of the innocent ones.
I would like to carefully address this particular conference I attended this past weekend at the First Assembly of God Church in Pensacola. The pastor being Dan Livingston and his wife Cathy.
I really love the name Cathy because of it’s meaning. It means “pure one”. And that is truly one of my greatest desires is that I would be pure and holy before my Lord and my God.
I know that God’s word says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” And I told Cathy before I left that I hope she will be one of those “Pure Ones”. I truly hope the same for you too.
What initially prompted me to go to Pensacola is when I heard Reverend Livingston over the American Family Radio Station on the fifth of September on a program called “Today’s Issues”.
He was telling of his experience at Brownsville Assembly in Pensacola and how skeptical he was in the beginning. Yet when he finally went he was convinced that he was touched by God.
I briefly spoke with his wife after a meeting on Saturday afternoon that was only for ministers and ministers wives; and at first I wasn’t planning to go to that since it was not an open session.
I was told by a helper that it was only for ordained ministers. And since I assumed that that’s someone who has been recognized and set apart by a church or a denomination I decided not to go.
So as I was just about to drive out of the parking lot God spoke to me very clearly and said “I want you to go to that meeting. You are definitely My minister.” He said “man” didn’t ordain me, but He ordained me. So that’s all it took for me to go.
They didn’t ask for any credentials and I Am glad that they didn’t because all I have to go by is what God has done in my life. But that’s enough as far as I Am concerned.
I Am really glad that I went though. I got to hear just a brief testimony of Cathy Livingston and two other speakers; one of which was the wife of the pastor from Brownsville Assembly.
Cathy talked about her side of the Brownsville experience. She didn’t go into it during her testimony but afterward I asked her, “Did you fall?” And to my great relief she said that she didn’t.
She is going to be the strength for her husband if she keeps looking to the Lord. Her husband did fall, however he is under the grand delusion that he fell by the power of God’s Spirit.
Based on all that I saw and what I perceive God said to me, it is not the power of the Holy Spirit, but the power of the Devil! Of course I cannot convince anybody of that but I Am very certain that the Holy Spirit can! And He will to those who are listening to Him.
According to most everything that was said in the interview on WAFR I was really excited about going to this conference. I thought it would be just a great time of getting together with others that serve God; that walk with Him; and that are striving to do His work on this earth to help save people from Hell.
Based on what the Reverend said he sounded like a great man of God. One that has a heart for the Lord and His people. But as I listened to some of the things being spoken at that conference—
I’ll tell ya, I had great expectations and I didn’t realize that this “move of God” was connected with Toronto, but as I listened to the pastors wife from Brownsville it became apparent that it was.
I saw a program a while back where they did an interview with the “man” they say started that “movement.” And when I saw him I saw Satan! I saw Satan with enormous power to inflict God’s people! And I just couldn’t help but cry when I saw that program.
I saw the “power” that man had. He’s transferring his power, and it’s reaching so many people! They call it the “anointing” and it certainly is, but it’s not by the Lord God Almighty!
I Am greatly concerned about God’s people and spiritually speaking I see them as little lambs surrounded by hungry wolves. My hope is that I will be totally obedient to the Lord so that I can do whatever He asks me in regard to my observations of all this.
One reason why I Am so knowledgeable about Satan’s power is because I was involved with a Bible study group that turned out to be a cult. But praise God He saw fit to deliver me!
There is much I could say about that time in my life. In fact the Lord allowed me to publish my testimony on it, but the main thing I really want to focus on now is this conference that I went to.
I remember how one of the ladies spoke about how she had a vision of God’s people walking in line shoulder to shoulder. Just marching in service for the Lord, but she started seeing some fall. She looked back and wanted to go and help them, but she said God told her, “Let the dead bury the dead! You keep walking with Me.”
When I heard that I sure didn’t like it, and the more I prayed about it I liked it even less because that is so against God’s word! He talks about when we fall that He will pick us back up. And whose going to do His work, but those who have His Spirit in them?
Whose going to be His hands but His people? If you see your brother fall, you just leave him there to die?! That’s not what is in my heart! That’s not what the Spirit of God says to me.
He says you go help your brother. You help him! The ones that are weak, put your arm around them and let your faith be their faith. And when she said that—
I will tell you after the first night I definitely knew it wasn’t of the Lord, but I Am very certain God wanted me to be there. It was like the Lord’s people were there, and so were the Devil’s people.
The sad part is that the ministers of Satan were invited. Of course very innocently I believe. I think in ignorance they were invited in. I just can’t believe that Dan and Cathy Livingston are purposefully inviting the Devil into their congregation. But I Am going to tell you, he’s there! Yet he is being called the Spirit of God!
Some other things that were said during the closed session was that the pastors wives should not be discussing with their husbands everything that everybody comes to them with.
It’s like they are supposed to keep everything to themselves and let it die with them. They told them that their husbands don’t need to be burdened with all that. They said, “You need to shield your husband to protect him from some of the stuff going on.”
I Am going to tell you that was the way Satan was able to get to me. He caused a divide between me and my loved ones and because of that I held things in. I didn’t share everything that was going on. And that’s exactly how the Devil divides a family.
He will put some good sounding idea in your head that you shouldn’t discuss everything with the husband because he don’t need to be concerned with that. He’s the pastor he needs to be concerned with– Well they didn’t say what he needs to be concerned with.
But I would think a pastor is a man who should be aware of all that’s going on in the church. Not having his hands in everything; he should delegate authority. But he should know what’s going on.
If it’s affecting his sheep, his people, he should be aware of it so that he can know if the Devils involved in it; to know if Satan is trying to sneak his way in to influence the people.
A pastor is an overseer of God’s people. And if the pastor’s wife is taught not to tell him about anything in order to protect him, that is absolutely against God’s word. Absolutely!
The man is suppose to protect the wife as the weaker vessel. He’s suppose to be the strength for her, and the protection. And if the ministers wives listen to that advice Satan will be able to come in and influence people’s thoughts in order to affect their actions.
I was not led to attend the final session and as I was leaving the Sunday morning service I asked Cathy if she fell Saturday night. I was so relieved that she had not, and I truly hope she doesn’t!
I just pray that they will see the truth before Satan is able to destroy them all together. That is his objective for those who belong to God along with whosoever will make themselves available to him.
He is dividing and conquering, and people may think they are being touched by the spirit of God, but because of what the Lord has shown me I see that it is a major trap set by the Wicked One.
People say they have been “slain in the spirit” or another name for it is falling under the “anointing”; but if they truly had eyes to see they would see that it is totally against the very Word of God.
Whenever Jesus laid His hands on someone they didn’t fall down, they got back up. They got up! They had a sound mind. They weren’t crazy! They weren’t running around acting like idiots!
Because of the Lord they were thinking sensibly again. It was the demon possessed people that were crazy and running around and passing out and carrying on before the Lord touched them!
For some reason people have gotten away from God’s word. They don’t hear it. They don’t abide by it. And that’s where the Devil can get you! When you do anything that is apart from God’s word you are opening up yourself to the Devil.
That’s why He wrote the Word so we could know what is of God and what is not. Some of the major Scriptures they broke—
See those who attended the conference were from all over. I believe the majority were from that area, but they said that there was some from Alabama, Mississippi, and even some from Alaska.
The point is that I didn’t know them and they didn’t know me. And God says in His word, “Lay hands suddenly on no man.” The implication is, let no man suddenly lay hands on you either.
But I Am telling you, they did! And one of the reasons why God has warned us not to do that is because you need to wait and make sure who is praying for you whether they are of Him or not.
I thank God He has given me such a discernment and I heard things that night that other people didn’t hear. Such as this walking in line and leaving your fallen brothers to die: that’s not of my God. And neither is this randomly praying in other tongues. God says—
1 Corinthians 14:26-28 “How is it then, brethren? when ye come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation.
Let all things be done unto edifying. If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret. But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God.”
That is not to say that you can’t quietly pray in the Spirit but I Am talking about allowing anybody and everybody to pray out loud. To encourage that is like inviting the enemy of God to come into the Church and mix his curses with God’s blessings.
Although if someone is moved by God to pray in the Spirit there must be an interpretation so that it can be known whether or not the person who is speaking in an unknown tongue is speaking by the Spirit of Christ or the spirit of anti-Christ.
The Lord told me to go back Sunday morning and even though I knew it was enemy territory, the thing about it was that I knew God’s people was there too. It was like God was sending me there to observe. And I did observe. I was being very watchful about everything that was going on.
As I was just watching all these people being knocked down by the power of the Devil there was such a great sorrow in my heart, and somewhat of a helplessness. As I was watching certain ones such a burden came over me that I started praying too. And I was praying that my prayer would counter the effects of Satan.
There was a point where the Spirit of God just came over me very strongly when I was watching a little– just a little boy being prayed for by this man that was so strange and weird. He was jerking all over the place and it was so obvious that this man was overcome by the Devil and that he had a lot of power by the Devil.
As I was watching him pray for that little boy God’s Spirit just started praying through me, and I got really loud. Moreover it wasn’t me speaking, but it was the Lord speaking through me.
I stopped praying after I felt like that was all the Holy Spirit was saying and the only words that came to me of which I spoke out loud was, “Save the little children Lord! Don’t let the Devil have the little children! Please don’t let him.” I was begging God not to let the Devil have the little children.
He’s out to get them any way he can! It’s so obvious when we look at this world. He’s targeting the little ones! And I asked God to please have mercy on that people. And that is still my prayer. May He have mercy on those who have been led into this deception.
I Am going to call him Brother Dan because I believe he belongs to God. If I Am wrong, I’ll find out. But I just believe that he’s caught in a trap, and I hope that there is something that God can have me say that would cause him to be released from that trap.
I have faith that the Lord God Almighty will deliver those who truly love Him. He will see to that, but what they are going to have to go through in the process I really don’t know.
Sometimes it takes such a broken state before we really call out to God with all our heart. My hope is that God’s people would hear the truth of what I Am saying, and believe it, and live by it.
I have found that if we adhere explicitly to God’s word we will be protected from the wiles of the Devil, but how many people really live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God?
Two major transgressions against His word was the “laying on of hands” and people praying in the “spirit” at once. That had happened at the conference and— I didn’t hear it much at the Sunday service for some reason. I don’t know why but I didn’t.
That was a big room and I Am sure that the Devils people were praying all they could, but I Am very confident that where the Spirit of the Lord is, the Devil is hindered greatly. And I do believe that God’s people were intermingled with ministers of Satan.
The people that are really on my heart is Cathy Livingston and her husband and her family. And also those who love God and are truly seeking to serve and worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.
You know they talk about being free, but the thing that free is not, is to run crazy. That is not what freedom is. That’s not why God freed us from our sin, and freed us from the Devil. It was so we would be able to worship Him in adoration and love and praise.
Strangely I actually enjoyed the praise service. There was of course a hindrance in my spirit to praise as much as I could because I knew I was among the enemy. But I loved the praise part.
That would be such an awesome service if the order was turned back. God has called His people to order. Not that they can’t lift their hands and maybe even dance to Him. I see nothing wrong with that, but when people are encouraged to run around and act crazy and wild and lay hands on people and they fall to the ground and not be able to get back up for hours– That’s not of God!
You know you have the choice whether to believe me or not, but there’ll come a Day when all will know who is true and faithful; who’s directing the way to Heaven; who’s paving the way to Hell; and who is truly of the Lord God Almighty and who is not.
And God says, “Woe, woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20
God said to His disciples that there will be those who will say you’re of the Devil and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you for My sake. Only because you are speaking My word; only because you are doing My work. But the truth will prevail!
Truth has been mixed with lies ever since the Garden of Eden unto this very day. But I know there is going to come a day when all wickedness will be put down, and my great hope is that I won’t be found guilty of doing the works of the Devil; and that I will be totally unashamed when I stand face to face before my Creator.
The people I hold accountable for this is WAFR. They are blindly promoting the agenda of Satan. Reverend Dan Livingston. I hold him accountable because he’s the pastor over that congregation. I hold the elders accountable because they haven’t called him on this. And if any of them have, praise God to them.
And ultimately Satan will be held accountable! And he will pay for everything he has ever done against God’s people! I look so forward to the great Day when he is finally put down.
I despise him and what he’s done to God’s people. But I Am thankful that the Lord God Almighty can use whatever Satan has done and turn it around for the good of those who love Him. If they truly love God He’s going to take care of them. I know it!
I have a real concern for this young lady Cathy. But I trust God for her. I just know what I went through when I walked with the enemy for three years. I was walking with people that served the Devil but I didn’t know it. For three years I walked with those people and I praise God for His mighty protection!
Because of it I Am a stronger person. Because of it He has ordained me to serve Him. He has called me out to be His servant. And I Am a servant of the Most High God, and I Am so thankful!
And my hope is to help God’s people, not kick them in the face if they fall down, but to help them get back up. That’s my hope.
God has really been showing me some fascinating spiritual principles and it’s amazing what He reveals to me through His word, through nature, through people, through circumstances, through the things that go on. He is such an awesome God!
Should I send this tape to anyone— If you’re in a deception; if your eyes are blinded for whatever reason; get on your face before God and ask Him to show you what sin is causing you to be blind. Whatever may be in your life that is not of Him have nothing to do with it! Turn your back on it completely! Please don’t try to justify why it’s okay. Just get away from it.
There’s a scripture that I was reading today and I know God showed it to me for this very reason. It was when Jesus was speaking to His disciples. Many say the multitudes were gathered all around, but at the beginning of the passage it says,
“And seeing the multitudes, He went up into a mountain: and when He was set, His disciples came unto Him:” Matthew 5:1 Then at the end of the passage it says, “When He was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed Him.” Matthew 8:1
He saw the multitudes, but He went up into the mountain to get away from the multitudes. And then the disciples came unto Him so that He could teach them how to be true followers of Christ.
That is what the Sermon on the Mount is all about. And the reason why it’s so important to know who He is speaking to here is because of some of the rather alarming statements that Jesus made.
He said, “And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.” Matthew 5:29
If it was to the multitudes that Jesus was speaking then His disciples really wouldn’t have to take responsibility for all that was said here. It’s like if it applies to everyone then it applies to no one.
Since I believe this is addressed to followers of Jesus Christ it shows that it is possible to start out on the right road but end up in Hell if you chose to affiliate yourself with the works of the Devil!
Jesus was saying in these verses that if there is something that you are looking upon that causes you to lust after it then turn from it completely otherwise it could lead to a sin unto death.
The Lord will show you what is truly of Him and what isn’t. And that’s where you have to make a major decision. Do you want to follow God? Or do you want to follow this world and the Devil?
That’s all there is, God or the Devil. You must make your choice. But as you read the Scriptures you will find that there were those who turned back and could not keep following Him.
However for those who are caught in a trap and just don’t realize it I will continue to pray for them. There’s a lot of sorrow in my heart for those who are walking in darkness and know not where they are going, and if they are willing to be helped I’ll help them.
If they are truly calling out to God I want to direct their way to Him. If they have fallen I don’t want to turn around and just leave them there– That’s the Devil speaking to just leave them there.
And I must emphasize that I Am not judging peoples’ hearts because I walked with the Devil for three years and I thought I was walking with God. But my heart was pure before Him. It really was.
I actually believed that everything I did was of God. And my testimony shows how I got into error very easily without realizing it, but praise God He knew where I was and plucked me out of the fire!
God says that “My people perish for lack of knowledge” and just because you are sincere doesn’t mean you cannot be affected by what you are involved with. In fact just the opposite is true.
One thing that Pastor Livingston said that stands out in my mind— He didn’t do much preaching that Sunday morning since it turned into mainly a praying service, but he said that if you can understand it then it’s probably not of God. And that is so untrue.
There’s a lot that I don’t know about God, but I’ll tell ya He has put a lot of understanding in my heart about what’s going on. And I ask Him everyday for more wisdom and understanding and He gives it to me. And it’s because my heart is sincere before Him.
As I was speaking to Cathy Livingston, I saw that her eyes were clouded over. I don’t believe she understands the evil influence that is in her life right now; and since I’ve met up with her, she’ll be in my prayers to the Lord God, as will their church.
Today is 12 November 1996 and I want to include the part of the interview on Today’s Issues that Pastor Dan Livingston had with Tim Wildmon and Marvin Sanders. I had recorded it myself and I didn’t get the very beginning and I Am not sure if this tape will hold the ending, but I’ll just play what I have.
This particular interview on WAFR is what prompted me to go to Pensacola Florida with such great expectations. Needless to say I Am really disturbed with American Family Radio right now.
I have been greatly disappointed with them in the past when they have intermingled themselves with things that are not of God, but I Am certain they have received many warnings from the Lord.
I don’t judge their hearts because apparently they’re not able to see the ways in which they are advancing the works of Darkness; and I really hope that they are doing all of this in total ignorance. Because if they are not then they’re in very serious trouble!
God will utterly destroy those who seek to harm His people, and that’s what this “movement” is all about. It is misleading people in a major way and WAFR and the AFA actively promotes it!
…Please listen to this very carefully and realize that when I heard this interview I was taken in by this man. He seemed to be so sincere and I didn’t know until I got there what I had walked into.
Had I not already been knowledgeable about Satan’s tactics I would have fallen for it too. I would have gone down to be prayed for just like the rest of the people and I would have become greatly affected by the evil spirits that they are passing into people.
I Am very thankful that God did lead me down there though because many of the supporters of this “revival” make the excuse that if you haven’t been then you have no right to make a judgment.
One of the most important things I want to impress upon whoever may be listening to this: If you are not led by God in your dealings with Satan then you’ll be at the mercy of the Devil! And he will have no mercy on you! His objective is to destroy you if he can!
I pray that you will be very sensitive to the Lord as He is our protection if we listen to Him. Regretfully though many do not even obey His word, which is why so many have fallen for this deception.
I Am very certain that those who are under this delusion are being influenced by the Devil in some way in their life, whether it be small or great even though I may have never met them face to face.
And if you are one who is skeptical of my claims and this doesn’t bear witness in your heart, then you are not submitted to the same Spirit that dwells within me. I can say with total confidence that you are not listening to Spirit of Truth, but the spirit of error!
However if you truly love God I believe He will deliver you if you are willing to confess your sin and repent of all that is evil so that He can forgive you and cleanse you of the unrighteousness.
God has impressed upon me that no “man” can truly hold on to what I Am saying if he is walking in pride. Pride is a hidden sin of the heart and the one who has it is usually the last to see it.
So if you find that you are having a hard time believing and accepting my testimony please get before the Lord God Almighty and ask Him to show you what sin is keeping you from seeing Him.
Sin will blind you. Sin will destroy you. Sin will keep you in with the Devil and prevent you from hearing the Voice of God. And only through a true relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ can you ever be set free from sin, Satan, and the power of Darkness.
So turn to God with a sincere and repentant heart and call upon the name of the Lord as if your life depended upon it! Because it does! He is the only one that can save you from eternal death.
One last thing I want to ask of you: Please be very attentive as you listen to the interview. This “man” is in a deception and he is leading so many others into it as well. My hope is that you will not be deceived by the words of this “man” or any other man.
I Am certainly not their Judge, but God is. And one day, after the Devil has been cast into the Lake of Fire, He will judge the hearts of all men, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond.
“I Am come
to send fire on the earth;
and what will I, if it be already kindled?”
Luke 12:49
My Dearest Friend and Prayer Partner;
I read this article twice already–once yesterday, and another one tonight. You know, I am not a fast reader and writer, but by HIS grace, and by the Holy Spirit, I can slowly, but surely grasp the message God wants me to learn so that I can share it with others as well.
I will read it again and again so that the message will remain in my heart and mind. It’s already past midnight, so I must stop here.
A part of this article is about the little boy being prayed for by that man. It also led me to pray for our Children, especially the children of this generation which is so vulnerable. May the Lord protect them, and send someone like you and me in their places so as to give warning to the parents about the wiles of the enemy! Lord, please be gracious to these little ones. This I pray in Jesus most gracious and powerful name, Amen!
Indeed, sin causes blindness to those who are trapped by Satan, and pride hinders them to see their need of a Savior. May the Lord open their eyes and hearts to see the Truth and the True Light!
God bless you my Dearest Friend. I am so excited to be able to read this in a small book form in His time!
Please keep yourself strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!
Praying for you and all yours as always.
Very grateful fellow servant of the Most High God;
Pastor Arnie