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Your Connection With God

20 December 2021 / 17 Tevet 5782

My dear friend and prayer partner, Pastor Arnie, asked me to share a message with the youth who would be attending the December Bible Camp in his area. I pray that God touched the hearts of the young people who heard this message, and also those who will hear it in the future through the ministry of the True Light! Amen!

I am very honored that Pastor Arnie would ask me to share a message with you. And even though my dear friend of fifteen years, is all the way across the oceans, and we have not yet met face to face, I am closer to him, spiritually speaking, than many people that I come in contact with. And because of our mutual and genuine love for the LORD Jesus Christ, our love and concern for each other will always remain strong.

I love the theme for this Bible Camp, “Stay Online: Keep Your Connection with God Stable and Strong.” What a very novel thought, especially in this technological age that we are living in. Personal computers, and especially cell phones, (both of which were invented in my lifetime, beginning is 1968, with Hewlett Packard’s desktop computer, and in 1973 with Motorola’s first handheld mobile phone), have dramatically changed the dynamics of how people communicate with each other, whether it be for good or for evil.

And because of the far-reaching capabilities on that little device, people have become so dependent on their cell phones in order to stay on-line and connected with the people and things that are important to them. If you own a cell phone, I want you to think about how attached you are to it. Can you do without it for a day, a week, or indefinitely? I would say, probably not. At least not willingly.

Something To Seriously Think About: If people were as strongly connected to God as intensely as they are to their cell phones; and if people were as attentive to God’s beautiful voice, as they are to that little Bing when a text comes through; oh what a very different and wonderful world this would be!

But sadly, that is not the way in which this world is headed. Satan, the enemy of our souls, is running rampant, and leading innocent people astray, and destroying the lives of so many, through his ministers working in this world. And that is what this ministry is all about! To persuade whomsoever will, to call upon the LORD, that they might be saved!

I would like to share with you one of my favorite passages. It’s from a prophet of God that Jesus loved to quote:

Isaiah 40:28-31 “Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of His understanding.

He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might He increaseth strength.

Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”

Only through the LORD Jesus Christ, can you be forgiven and have power over your sin. Only through the LORD Jesus Christ can you be reconciled, or connected, to God. And it is only through the LORD Jesus Christ that you can “Keep Your Connection with God Stable and Strong!” And that is my sincere prayer for you and all who receive this message!

And please realize, one day, all of us are going to stand before Almighty God and give an account of our lives and what we did with His dear Son, who gave His life so that we might live. I pray that God will be able to say to you, and to me, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”

You all will be in my prayers! God bless and keep my dear Pastor Arnie, his beloved family, and all God’s people who are walking with him in the True Light of His Holy Word! And I am very grateful for the prayers of those who are waiting upon the LORD too! Until we meet face to face, whether it be in this world, or the world to come! Amen!

With the love of Christ,

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